The Empire of lies

Here, Robert Kennedy Junior is talking about “false flag” actions carried out by the US:

Robert Kennedy Jr. has announced to run as candidate for the DNC in the upcoming presidential elections. Perhaps he ends up as US-President, perhaps he ends up like his father…

By the way, in my family there are cases of serious damage to health after the Covid vaccination plus infection. My father’s “sudden cardiac death” in January is also slowly appearing in a new light. Today we know that Pfizer knew that vaccination does NOT protect against infection. The side effects on the cardiovascular system were known, too.

Today we also know that the corona virus came from a laboratory in Wuhan. And we know that US Secretary of State Blinken refuses to release the relevant documents to the US Congress:

The first cases of Covid-19 appeared in Wuhan in November 2019:

A few days before, on October 25th, 2019, Joe Biden tweeted the following:

The unimaginable is slowly becoming imaginable…

One thought on “The Empire of lies

  1. This is one of the most incredible films I’ve ever seen. It’s a three-hour documentary about the last hundred years: from World War I to the Nazi regime to the assassination of John F. Kennedy and Nine-Eleven.

    The present war over Ukraine and the looming war over Taiwan are not yet shown, but fully understandable given the explanations in this film. It is an extremely brutal film about murder and mass murder and their organization. It is the most enlightening film about our political humanity that I have ever seen. A must see. Nothing for weak nerves. Just like our world…

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