A brief history of money

Basically, the war in “Ukraine” revolves around one single question:

Who pays the bad checks written by the “West” for the past 52 years? The “Global South” can’t pay anymore, China won’t take them any longer and Russia refuses. That leaves the US and Europe. This match is being played and it looks like we Europeans are about to pay. Frau von der Leyen and Monsieur Michel are practically begging for it.

Our US dollar based economy is a total scam. In fact, it is nothing but a cruel tyranny. It’s cruel because it’s tremendously efficient. And it is efficient because hardly anyone dares to question this system.

Actually it is quite easy. Seven people in Washington D.C. decide about eight billion people around the world. It’s not even the United States government, it’s those seven people who make up the board of governors of the Federal Reserve, the central bank of the United States. These seven people decide how many dollars they produce, how much they charge, and who gets them.

The mechanism is simple. Since the end of World War II, since the Bretton Woods Conference in 1944, the world has agreed to accept the US dollar as the basis of all financial transactions in the global economy. Since then, every deal in the world has been settled in USD. Whatever we buy or sell anywhere in the world, the value of the goods is calculated in USD.

Of course, to do this, the United States had to guarantee the value of its currency. Everyone agreed that the US dollar should be backed by the value of gold. Everyone on earth could count on turning that piece of paper into a certain amount of gold. So everyone was sure that there was a real basis of values behind every economic transaction.

In the late 1960s, the US administrations under Presidents Lyndon B. Johnson and Richard Nixon began to exploit this mechanism to the extreme. Their military conflicts around the world quickly became far too expensive. The war in Vietnam in particular was so terrible that the United States could no longer afford its expenses. The whole world began to grow suspicious because they no longer believed that the United States could pay their bills.

France in particular, under its Presidents Charles de Gaulle and Georges Pompidou no longer believed in the reliability of the USA. Relying on its guarantee, France wanted to sell its US dollars for the stipulated amount of its gold. But on August 15, 1971, US President Richard Nixon signed a decree that the United States would no longer buy back its dollars against the guaranteed amount of gold. Otherwise the US would go bankrupt. They just didn’t have enough gold left. It was the biggest scam in world history. It was a declaration of war on the whole world.

If the US dollar had previously been a stable basis for every financial transaction in the world, it subsequently became a completely virtual value that could no longer be relied on. The US dollar had literally become a worthless piece of paper.

While the whole world was shocked, the US government tried to cover up this fraud as best it could. So they made deals with the oil-producing countries to fix the value of oil in US dollars. From then on, crude oil had to be sold at a fixed price in USD. The gold standard had become an oil standard.

The whole world was in turmoil because of these developments. The so-called “oil crisis” of the early 1970s was marked by war in the Middle East and a global economic crisis. The United States had successfully turned its enormous financial difficulties into massive problems around the world.

Although the US dollar had become a worthless piece of paper, the world still depended on it. Moreover, the entire planet became dependent on a handful of Middle Eastern sheikhs who ruled most of the oil-exporting countries in Arabia. These, in turn, depended on the seven people on the board of governors of the United States Federal Reserve who guaranteed their pay.

Saudi Arabia, the world’s largest oil exporting country, and its friends became the United States’ most powerful allies and over-armed to defend their oil production. Since the 1970s, the entire world had depended on Middle East oil exploration, while the US dollar had become virtual money with no real value. The only value was that it was the only currency for crude oil.

A year after US President Richard Nixon had to resign in 1974, the war in Vietnam ended. A few years later, in 1979, one of America’s closest allies, the Shah of Persia, who himself had come to power in an anti-democracy coup, was overthrown by the Iranian revolution. Since then, the second largest oil exporting country, the Islamic Republic of Iran, has ceased to be an ally of the United States and is one of its bitter enemies.

After these troubles for the US dollar, the US found a gifted B-movie actor named Ronald Reagan to be the President of the United States of America. The US dollar had come under extreme pressure as a result of the loss of power in Southeast Asia and the Middle East after the defeat in Vietnam and the revolution in Iran. Now, with President Reagan on the scene, the Federal Reserve began changing its monetary policy. Money supply growth was curtailed.

They were able to do this because no one was controlling them and the real value of the US dollar had become completely virtual. The “greenback” was nothing more than a worthless piece of paper, but everyone needed it to buy their oil. And now that the US dollar was rising, the sheikhs were rejoicing because their oil was rising.

The first victim of this development was Latin America. The entire American continent had been inundated with US dollar loans in previous years. Now that they had to pay off their “debts” in US dollars, the amounts were vastly higher. Where should Latin Americans get the dollars from to pay them back?

After Richard Nixon’s betrayal in 1971, the policy of “Reagonomics” was the greatest fraud of the 1980s. This policy curtailed the growth of the US dollar money supply as the Federal Reserve wanted without accountability to anyone in the world. The entire American continent, naïve enough to trust the United States, was exploited and oppressed. Anyone who dared to resist was overthrown. From then on, all of Latin America was held hostage by the United States.

All money and resources “earned” in Latin America were invested in Western Europe. In 1989 the financial differences became so great that Eastern Europe collapsed. We should never forget that the fall of communism was earned with Latin American blood, toil, tears and sweat.

The “West” could do this so easily because their money, the US dollar, had become completely virtual. The value of the USD was entirely fictitious while the communist currencies were still backed by real resources. But with the Iron Curtain down, it was an easy game to exploit their resources as they had done in South America a few years earlier. At the same time, the Japanese economy was ruined by deflation for decades to come. Since then, Japan, like Latin America in the decade before, has been held hostage.

The slogan in Eastern Europe was simple: “Buy western goods before inflation comes!” So all sorts of Western products were sold at high prices in the East. Strange enough, the most famous goods were Latin American bananas. Their profit, however, remained with US corporations.

Meanwhile, the US dollar was distributed to the “new markets” in a completely shattered legal system. Since nobody had owned anything during communism, everyone wanted a piece of the pie afterwards. During this process, the most gruesome mafia systems emerged naturally. As in Latin America, the biggest crooks got the biggest slices of the pie. Robbery, murder and deceit were the order of the day, and greed became a virtue.

So these 1990s became the golden era of the West. Inspired by US professor Francis Fukuyama, many even saw “the end of history” approaching. But everything was based on completely fictitious values. Everything was based on nothing real. Everything was based on the US dollar. Everything was based on a scam.

Still, there were always some people who tried to resist. Be it in Latin America, be it in Africa, be it in the Middle East, be it in Asia, they have all been overthrown by the US military. The following joke was circulating around the world: why has there never been a coup in the US? Because there is no US Embassy…

US politics has never been about “democracy,” much less “human rights.” US politics has always been about money. US politics has always been about protecting the rich. American politics has always been about making the poor pay.

A handful of people called the Board of Governors of the United States Federal Reserve decides the fate of eight billion people on this planet. Their method is simple: they produce a worthless piece of paper called “United States Dollar”. This US dollar is the only god we all believe in. We believe in this God because everyone does.

As long as everyone believes in it, these seven people can do whatever they want. They can produce more of it, they can produce less of it, they can charge interest on it or give it away as it suits them. They are not responsible to anyone in the world. They can spread their “product” all over the world as they want. In fact, their product is worth nothing. But in reality it is worth everything because everyone believes in it.

If anyone stands up against this system, they will be boycotted, overthrown and killed. Behind the US dollar is nothing other than the US military. The US military has the right to kill anyone it wants. The US military can do this because it owns almost half of all the weapons in the world. And so they do.

The game is very simple: every dollar someone earns, they must take from someone else. It’s a simple pyramid scheme. Any profit must be paid by others. Every wealth must be matched by the poverty of another. And none of us has any influence on this game. We are all stats in a giant scam. And the weakest have to pay, mostly with their lives.

So we finally arrived in Ukraine. Let’s take a look at the graph again:

On the right edge of the picture we see an unprecedented upward rash. That was the money supply growth during the Covid pandemic under the Biden-Administration. The money printing machine was fired up like never before, “whatever the cost”. Now it costs lives in war. Because the war in Ukraine is nothing other than the result of a global distribution struggle.

Once again the USA has found a talented actor to represent its politics. And once again he became president. He’s selling us something he doesn’t have. He is selling us bad checks. He is selling us…

Yes, what is Volodymyr Zelensky actually selling us? Where is he taking us? Is he taking us to “democracy”? Is he taking us to “human rights”?

I think he’s taking us for fools.

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